Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Movie Marketing

L/O: to develop an effective film marketing strategy
Key methods of marketing

Identify audience of the film
Market in ways friendly towards the audience 

Film Posters
You normally see film posters in cinemas, on the walls of homes if people have bought them and sometimes in shops.
A distributor is trying to reach the most amount of the audience possible
Title, Actors, Images showing characters or action, a tagline

Disaster Film Posters
The font is often bold.
Colour palette is often bland.
Often has the main character standing in front of the disaster
Has a tagline to do with the disaster.

It is an action movie, they have chosen to include the more dramatic scenes to make it a lot more appealing. The trailer is weird like the poster.

I would organise interviews with the cast so they could provide some insight into their own thoughts of the movie, I would also organise a press conference.

They have made backpacks, T-shirts, face masks and duffle bags. The face masks would be creative if we weren't in the situation we're in right now.

1 comment:

  1. So I'm guessing this is a mixture of all the marketing lessons?? (Obviously not a favourite of yours)
    Some good ideas - I think the face masks are creative considering the situation - why else would we want them?
    I would really like to see your ideas about marketing 'Quake' - how would you promote it?
