Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Disaster Movies

L/O: to explore the disaster movie genre
Disaster Movie Genre Conventions
Chosen films
Independence Day
Shaun of the Dead (It's a disaster movie and if you have a problem with that, no)

The characters are typically male

All of them involve a plotline of getting a family member to safety

Shaun of The Dead is an Epidemic film, Independence Day is an alien attack film and 2012 is a Natural Disaster film

All of them end with the main character either overcoming or surviving the event.

They all involve travel in at least one form or another.

The films are different in tone, but they have similar plot points as at least one character dies to each one.

Creative Task: Questions
The main character is a guy who works at McDonalds.

An earthquake hits the city while the guy is walking home and he is kicked into the river by it.

The characters parents, and his female friend who dies in like 3 seconds flat, so yeah it's kinda just him and his parents.

Female friend dies after they all meet up from falling into an opened up sewer, and then they start running as buildings collapse around them, for extra tension his mum dies after a building crushes cause yes.

They don't overcome the disaster but they escape by nicking a helicopter from the military.

The closing scene is the character's Dad being put into jail over the theft of the helicopter.


1 comment:

  1. Chandler - I'm slightly on the fence about whether SOTD really qualifies as a disaster movie, but i can see you're not going to budge ;-) (You get away with it because it's a great movie!)

    Ok - your idea is interesting and definitely includes some generic conventions of a disaster movie, but... does the fact he works at McDonalds have any relevance to the plot? Surely escaping the disaster is overcoming it??
