NEA: Coursework

Monday 10th May

L/O: To explore possible tasks and research similar products

Brief 2:

Create two minutes of opening scenes, with a title sequence, for a presented factual television programme aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 year olds.


The opening sequence, only 2 minutes or so of footage, factual means I can play around with some interesting topics


Covid thing is bad

Title sequences, need I say more?

Brief 3:

Create a two minute sequence from an original music video to accompany a music track with a serious message aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 year olds.


Low production value, limited graphical stuff

No diegetic sounds needed


Serious track might be difficult to find

That whole Covid thing makes it kinda difficult to film

Music Videos: Media Language


Q1. What kind of subjects do they cover?


Q2. Are they performance, narrative or concept based videos?

A2. Narrative or concept

Q3. Is the link to the lyrics amplification, illustration or disjuncture?

A3. Amplification or Disjuncture 

Q4. How is editing used? 

A4. They often use a fast or slow pace to match the tempo of the song

Q5. How are graphics used and what style are they if so?

A5. Often not used at all

Q6. How are the bands/artists represented? 

A6. They may be represented, though sometimes they may choose to have actors in a more narrative music video

Q7. How is colour used?

A7. Will often use darker colour palettes or monochrome

Q8. What kind of shot types, angles and movement are used?

A8. Close ups, mid shots and long shots are all used

Q9. How have they used mis-en-scene?

A9. Often in rural areas, grounded and realistic

Q10. How many shots are used in the first 2 mins?

A10. They either capitalise on longer or shorter shots so it's hard to say

Q11. How many different locations are seen?

A11. There are usually at least 2, though there are more in some videos

Initial Plan

Name of Band/Artist - Kill The Lights? (this one's annoying, I'll work out a proper name later)

Song title - The Box by Haunt The Woods

Message of song - Life is hard and is full of things that are out of your control, but that's a good thing as it makes life exciting when the good things happen.

Representation of band/artist - Casual formal clothes, centre stage taken.

Video style: Illustration or amplification? - Amplification

Video style: Narrative or performance? - Narrative

Locations - My family owns fields so that helps, then somewhere else

People needed - Monsieur Myself, Monsieur My Friends

Design a logo for the band

Storyboard the video

Target Audience Profile

Age Range: 15-17 year olds

Gender: Majority Male

Income/Job: Part time job/money from parents

Race: Caucasian, I think

Education: Full time education in secondary school or post-16. Their opinions on school may be positive.

Interests: They have an interest in music, at this age they also have an interest in self discovery and unique works.

Location: Urban

Social Media Presence: Most of the target audience is incredibly active on social media

Feelings towards music: This target audience would enjoy music, some may even be aspiring for careers within the industry.

Product Appeal: Appeals because alternative is an appealing genre for the target audience, who strive to be unique.

Lifestyle: Tend to value individualism and creativity,  they like to discover new things.


Monday 5th July

Statement of Intent

L/O: To produce a concise and clear statement

Thursday 16th September

WIP Logo, maybe finsihed but I don't know.

Thursday 13th January
Coursework Review
L/O: To self audit work so far and to explore how to create effective representations

Two filming locations
A range of camera shots
Editing of original footage

I have chosen a narrative style with some performance, this is because it fits with the genre conventions of acoustic/indie music. 

The camerawork focuses on the character, often with closer shots than longer shots, which fits the conventions of music videos focusing on the artist. 

I have included the more indie conventions of rural locations and an acoustic guitar.

1 comment:

  1. Good research. planning is a bit pointless if you don't have a song or band name! Focus on that first.
