Thursday, October 8, 2020

Visual Elements in Editorial Design

Thursday 8th October

 Visual Elements

L/O: Explore the use of visual elements in Editorial Design

Headline - A heading used to grab the attention of the reader in a newspaper or magazine

Kicker - Definition 1: An introduction for a lead, usually a few words or sentences leading into the main piece.

Kicker - Definition 2: A kicker can be the paragraph that finishes up an article, summing the piece up. 

By-line - The by-line gives the author's name on a newspaper or magazine, it is often located below the headline but above the article

Subheads - These are subheadings used to break up the article and make it easier to read, they often divulge information about the next paragraph


It uses a very big Header which grabs the readers attention. There is a by-line for the photos which credits the photographer. There's a kicker under the headline. They use a pull quote from the article to encourage readers to read the entire article. The layout has the header take up the majority of the actual page size where as the article only takes up a small amount of it. They also use Drop Caps at the beginning of new paragraphs to help emphasise it's a new paragraph.


Thursday 22nd October 2020

L/O: Explore the use of Adobe Illustrator to create a magazine masthead

Masthead - Also called a nameplate. A line of type on the front cover of a newspaper or magazine giving the name of the publication

In this lesson we have learned about creating mastheads. I used the Type tool, and offset path tool to create a letter sized background for the masthead.

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