Thursday, November 12, 2020

Magazine Brief

Thursday 12th November 2020

 Lesson 1

L/O: Explore the parameters of a given brief and design elements for a magazine


Create a front cover and a double page spread article for an informative educational magazine aimed at an audience of 10-13 year olds.

At least five original images(e.g photographs, illustrations, art work).
Original masthead/title.
Cover price, Barcode, edition number
Original images: at least one main cover
At least three cover lines one of which must link to the double page spread
Headline, stand-first and subheadings
Original images: One main article image and at least three other images 
Feature article of approximately 300 words that links to one of the cover lines on the front page

The use of Typography for the masthead is fun and colourful which is suitable for children. Four straplines which all have a white outline and are colourful. The masthead has a white glow in the background. The doing words in the straplines are all in bold. The font catches the eye and attention which is important when writing for children. There is an illustration instead of a realistic image which also attracts the intention of the target audience.

The magazine uses bold and colourful fonts, which appeals to children.
There is also a use of photographs of animals, appeals to children.
There is a big bold Masthead.
There are movie and videogame references on the front cover, appealing to children.

My magazine is called:
My article will be about: 
The types of images I will use are:
My main heading will be:
My three cover lines are:

Thursday 26th November
L/O: Explore ideas and concepts to develop a magazine article
What makes a good magazine article?
A good article will include content that is relevant and engaging to its target audience, a gripping heading, a use of subheadings to break up the article and a conclusive end to the article. The language must be appropriate for the target audience. Include quotations and link to the main story.

The language is simple as it is intended for preteens, there is a subheading leading into the story, there are bright colours, the content is about a movie which is appropriate for the target audience.

Next gen consoles: What's all the fuss about?
The Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X are officially out in the wild, though you may be unsure why everyone cares so much, you can't seem to get them anywhere. The next generation of gaming is a big deal and here's why.

This year we've been more out of touch from others than ever, gaming has become an important part of keeping people in touch, the PS5, Xbox Series X and Series S all sold out shortly after their preorders opened, which is probably because, people have been spending more and more time at home this year.

Microsoft and Sony have both boasted that their new consoles are some of the most powerful ever, saying that they will both deliver amazing performance at 4K 60FPS (except the Series S, but we'll talk about that in a minute). While I haven't tested the new PS5 myself, I have tested the Series X, and they weren't lying. They've somehow found a way to make even Tetris look beautiful. This is a truly different generation than the ones that have come before it. 

The Series S is the budget console here, with no disc drive, it's smaller, digital only and can only go up to 1440p unlike the 4K of the PS5 and Series X. Microsoft has a lot to offer for a digital only console with one thing, Game Pass Ultimate. Game Pass Ultimate gives you a large library of over 100 games to play, which has games like the Ori series and Sea of Thieves. The PS5 also has a digital only edition, however it is more expensive as it still has the power of the PS5 itself.

'Scalpers' are selling these new consoles on places like Ebay for hundreds of pounds more than they're worth as Microsoft and Sony can't actually keep up with the high demand for these consoles. Hopefully once there are more consoles there will be less scalpers trying to profit of off the shortage of the consoles. The thing is, people are paying more than they should to be able to get the new consoles now instead of waiting for more to made, which shows that people want the consoles for a reason.

Before this generation, 60FPS was a rarity with console games, only really achieved with smaller less intensive indie titles. Now, you have the power of an 1000 pound PC in your living room, and that's really something special, the potential of this generation hasn't been seen quite yet, but I have a feeling it's only a matter of time until we see the true power of these new consoles that Microsoft and Sony have promised us.

Thursday 7th January
Writing a magazine article
The Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X are officially out in the wild, though you may be unsure why everyone cares so much, you can't seem to get them anywhere. The next generation of gaming is a big deal and here's why.

This year we've been more out of touch from others than ever, gaming has become an important part of keeping people in touch, the PS5, Xbox Series X and Series S all sold out shortly after their preorders opened, which is probably because, people have been spending more and more time at home this year.

Microsoft and Sony have both boasted that their new consoles are some of the most powerful ever, saying that they will both deliver amazing performance at 4K 60FPS (except the Series S, but we'll talk about that in a minute). While I haven't tested the new PS5 myself, I have tested the Series X, and they weren't lying. They've somehow found a way to make even Tetris look beautiful. This is a truly different generation than the ones that have come before it. 

The Series S is the budget console here, with no disc drive, it's smaller, digital only and can only go up to 1440p unlike the 4K of the PS5 and Series X. Microsoft has a lot to offer for a digital only console with one thing, Game Pass Ultimate. Game Pass Ultimate gives you a large library of over 100 games to play, which has games like the Ori series and Sea of Thieves. The PS5 also has a digital only edition, however it is more expensive as it still has the power of the PS5 itself.

'Scalpers' are selling these new consoles on places like Ebay for hundreds of pounds more than they're worth as Microsoft and Sony can't actually keep up with the high demand for these consoles. Hopefully once there are more consoles there will be less scalpers trying to profit of off the shortage of the consoles. The thing is, people are paying more than they should to be able to get the new consoles now instead of waiting for more to made, which shows that people want the consoles for a reason.

Before this generation, 60FPS was a rarity with console games, only really achieved with smaller less intensive indie titles. Now, you have the power of an 1000 pound PC in your living room, and that's really something special, the potential of this generation hasn't been seen quite yet, but I have a feeling it's only a matter of time until we see the true power of these new consoles that Microsoft and Sony have promised us.

Task 2

The Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X are officially out in the wild, though I know what you're thinking, why does everyone care so much? The next generation of gaming is a big deal and you should read this article to find out why.

This year we've been more out of touch from others than ever, gaming has become an important part of keeping people in touch, the PS5, Xbox Series X and Series S all sold out shortly after their preorders opened, which is probably because, people, most likely including yourself, have been spending more and more time at home this year.

Microsoft and Sony have both boasted that their new consoles are some of the most powerful ever, saying that they will both deliver amazing performance at 4K 60FPS (except the Series S, but we'll talk about that in a minute). While I haven't tested the new PS5 myself, I have tested the Series X, and they weren't lying. They've somehow found a way to make even Tetris look beautiful. This is a truly different generation than the ones that have come before it. 

The Series S is the budget console here, with no disc drive, it's smaller, digital only and can only go up to 1440p unlike the 4K of the PS5 and Series X. Microsoft has a lot to offer for a digital only console with one thing, Game Pass Ultimate. Game Pass Ultimate gives you a large library of over 100 games to play, which has games like the Ori series and Sea of Thieves, I genuinely don't see why you would pass up this amazing offer. The PS5 also has a digital only edition, however it is more expensive as it still has the power of the PS5 itself.

'Scalpers' are selling these new consoles on places like Ebay for hundreds of pounds more than they're worth as Microsoft and Sony can't actually keep up with the high demand for these consoles. Hopefully once there are more consoles there will be less scalpers trying to profit of off the shortage of the consoles. The thing is, people are paying more than they should to be able to get the new consoles now instead of waiting for more to made, which shows you that people want the consoles for a reason.

Before this generation, 60FPS was a rarity with console games, only really achieved with smaller less intensive indie titles. Now, you have the power of an 1000 pound PC in your living room, and that's really something special, the potential of this generation hasn't been seen quite yet, but I have a feeling it's only a matter of time until we see the true power of these new consoles that Microsoft and Sony have promised us.

Task 3

Title = The next generation of gaming: What's all the fuss about?
Strapline = "Powerful consoles, reasonable prices"
Quote = "You have the power of an 1000 pound PC in your living room"

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Visual Elements in Editorial Design

Thursday 8th October

 Visual Elements

L/O: Explore the use of visual elements in Editorial Design

Headline - A heading used to grab the attention of the reader in a newspaper or magazine

Kicker - Definition 1: An introduction for a lead, usually a few words or sentences leading into the main piece.

Kicker - Definition 2: A kicker can be the paragraph that finishes up an article, summing the piece up. 

By-line - The by-line gives the author's name on a newspaper or magazine, it is often located below the headline but above the article

Subheads - These are subheadings used to break up the article and make it easier to read, they often divulge information about the next paragraph


It uses a very big Header which grabs the readers attention. There is a by-line for the photos which credits the photographer. There's a kicker under the headline. They use a pull quote from the article to encourage readers to read the entire article. The layout has the header take up the majority of the actual page size where as the article only takes up a small amount of it. They also use Drop Caps at the beginning of new paragraphs to help emphasise it's a new paragraph.


Thursday 22nd October 2020

L/O: Explore the use of Adobe Illustrator to create a magazine masthead

Masthead - Also called a nameplate. A line of type on the front cover of a newspaper or magazine giving the name of the publication

In this lesson we have learned about creating mastheads. I used the Type tool, and offset path tool to create a letter sized background for the masthead.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Movie Marketing

L/O: to develop an effective film marketing strategy
Key methods of marketing

Identify audience of the film
Market in ways friendly towards the audience 

Film Posters
You normally see film posters in cinemas, on the walls of homes if people have bought them and sometimes in shops.
A distributor is trying to reach the most amount of the audience possible
Title, Actors, Images showing characters or action, a tagline

Disaster Film Posters
The font is often bold.
Colour palette is often bland.
Often has the main character standing in front of the disaster
Has a tagline to do with the disaster.

It is an action movie, they have chosen to include the more dramatic scenes to make it a lot more appealing. The trailer is weird like the poster.

I would organise interviews with the cast so they could provide some insight into their own thoughts of the movie, I would also organise a press conference.

They have made backpacks, T-shirts, face masks and duffle bags. The face masks would be creative if we weren't in the situation we're in right now.

Monday, June 8, 2020

My Disaster Movie

L/O: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie
The film is set in 2021, in the city of London.
The mood is serious and as such will be set on a cloudy day because genre conventions.
Grounded, never a high camera angle.
You have no control over the end of the world
I am using the trope of male protagonist and an earthquake as the disaster.
I am not crossing over to another genre

Equilibrium - Jack works at McDonald's he's not happy but not depressed either. His mum and dad are constantly harassing him to apply for University. Lucy is his best friend from when they were kids.
Disruption - On the way home from work the ground starts to shake, a train is moving fast nearby so Jack doesn't think much of it. 
Recognition - He walks into his home and his parents are panicking while packing up their bags. Jack asks what's wrong and they tell him an Earthquake is about to hit. Jack phones Lucy, she picks up the phone and tells Jack to just run. The last thing he hears is Lucy's screams. 
Solution - The majority of the film, they keep on running towards the evacuation point to escape. In the brief quiet moments, Jack admits that it's the most exciting thing that has ever happened to him and he doesn't really care about Lucy's death. His parents look on in shame. At this revelation his mother, (Molly)
decides to disown him when his father, (Larry) challenges her she decides to leave the group.
New Equilibrium - Jack and Larry get out of the city and there is a time cut. Larry stands over Molly and Jack's graves as the audience realises that Jack is dead which is confusing. There is later a monologue from Larry which says that while Jack and him were being held for questioning about the disaster, Jack committed suicide and left a note which explained that he couldn't become a normal person and reintegrate into society after he realised he didn't care about anyone whatsoever including himself. The camera pans up to a cloudy sky and the film cuts to the credits.

The Hero - While Jack is the main protagonist, Larry takes charge in multiple instances during the film, especially after Jack's realisation.
The Villain - The earthquake as it disrupts everything and makes Jack realise that he has serious issues.
The Donor - N/A
The Helper - N/A
The Princess - The evacuation point from the city
The Princess' Father - Lucy as she tells Jack and his family to get out.
The False Hero - The audience is made to believe that Jack is the hero for most of the film until the twist at the end.

I decided on the name Quake because it represents multiple things, the disaster and the shake up in the family throughout the film and how the tension rises as the film progresses.

L/O: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie
Jack was a normal guy, until the day the earth shattered underneath London and every second became a fight for survival. Secrets will be held and lives will be lost in this epic disaster movie.
Visual Story Telling

Jack: [is walking home from work, looking at his phone, it's raining] God I hate this weather [pulls his coat hood up, keeps looking at his phone, suddenly a train rushes by overhead and the ground shakes] Really fast train... that's weird.... [continues walking, he walks into his parent's driveway as a suitcase is thrown out of the window]

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Disaster Movies

L/O: to explore the disaster movie genre
Disaster Movie Genre Conventions
Chosen films
Independence Day
Shaun of the Dead (It's a disaster movie and if you have a problem with that, no)

The characters are typically male

All of them involve a plotline of getting a family member to safety

Shaun of The Dead is an Epidemic film, Independence Day is an alien attack film and 2012 is a Natural Disaster film

All of them end with the main character either overcoming or surviving the event.

They all involve travel in at least one form or another.

The films are different in tone, but they have similar plot points as at least one character dies to each one.

Creative Task: Questions
The main character is a guy who works at McDonalds.

An earthquake hits the city while the guy is walking home and he is kicked into the river by it.

The characters parents, and his female friend who dies in like 3 seconds flat, so yeah it's kinda just him and his parents.

Female friend dies after they all meet up from falling into an opened up sewer, and then they start running as buildings collapse around them, for extra tension his mum dies after a building crushes cause yes.

They don't overcome the disaster but they escape by nicking a helicopter from the military.

The closing scene is the character's Dad being put into jail over the theft of the helicopter.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020


L/O: to explore the use of mise-en-scene in films
I think that this character is lazy as their room is a mess. They are most likely into music as they have 2 guitars on the wall and music posters on the wall as well.

Settings and props
1. I would expect a space setting with high tech props that don't make sense in our normal world.
2. In a romantic comedy I would expect everyday objects and a nice bright setting.
3. I would expect a dark setting with everyday objects OR high tech objects depending on what type of Horror film it is.

Costume, Hair & Make Up
Based on his attire, Indiana Jones without knowing who he is looks like an explorer
Whoever the second one is, she looks like a normal teenage girl
Arthur Fleck looks like he is from a disadvantaged background based on his hand me down clothes.

Facial Expressions & Body Language
The first image their expressions are dull
In the second image their posture is high and they have serious expressions on their faces which indicates that they have power in this situation.

Lighting and Colour
The lighting and colour in this scene is low key which indicates the scene isn't positive. The light only shines on the characters faces.

Positioning of people/objects
In the first image the characters are apart on the same sofa which indicates that they are not currently getting along, possibly an arguing couple.
The men in the second image a positioned together which indicates that they are partners in a team.

TASK: Explain in detail what information the MES in the following scene tells us
The setting is a posh place which indicates that the middle character is being held prisoner and is being delivered to someone important. The two men holding the middle man are wearing a uniform which indicates that they are guards, the middle character is wearing a pirate hat and slashed up clothes which shows that he is a pirate. (Yes I know who Jack Sparrow is I'm just analysing this like I don't know who he is or it's cheating). The props are posh which further indicates the setting. The guards have a more serious expression where as the pirate has a less serious expression shows that the pirate does not care. The pirate is positioned in the centre of the scene which means that he is the one to focus on. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

Sound in Films

L/O: to explore the use of sound in film


1. Music in a horror film would be low pitched and slow
2. Music in an action film would be fast
3. Music in a thriller would be fast and jumpy
4. Music in a comedy would sound joyful
5. Music in a science-fiction film would sound epic

Diegetic V Non-Diegetic

Almost all of the sounds in this scene are diegetic
The action
The music


All of the sounds in "The Present" would have been recorded for the animation

Choose a scene

The music in the scene is "Come a little bit closer"
The music makes the scene have a happier tone than it actually does while Yondu, Rocket and Baby Groot murder most of the crew.
The music doesn't change but gets quieter when characters speak
The music doesn't change
You can kind of tell what is happening based on dialogue and sound effects
No moments of silence
The characters speak, they sound like their actors 
I don't know about my own voiceover
Some sounds like gunshots and Yondu's whistling seem louder than real life. This is probably so they can illustrate the noise of the scene better.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Setting & Colour

L/O: To explore the use of setting and colour in films


Why might a director choose the following settings?

1. A rural house may be chosen for a horror film to create a feeling of isolation from society
2. A big city to create a sense of scale in an action film
3. A small seaside town makes it so you focus on the characters rather than the setting in a romantic comedy
4. A range of countries for an action adventure allows for the "adventure" part of the film
5. A large modern science lab for a science fiction film allows for many cool concepts from a "x technology is being developed/almost done" perspective.


Why might a director choose the following colours?

1. Blue and red for a new superhero costume because of heroes like Superman, it immediately grabs the audiences attention towards a hero.
2. A black suit may give the connotation that that character is a corporate baddy.
3. Bright colours for a comedy to represent the tone of the film

Questions about the film

The action takes place across different worlds and spaceships
The story is set in these different places to show that the story is set in space and not just on Earth
The setting changes a lot because for most of the film the characters are split up
On Ego's planet, the Guardians seem to feel uncomfortable. On the ravager ship, Rocket constantly makes jokes while he is held prisoner where as Yondu is a lot more serious.
Visuals and dialogue help to show where the story is taking place
The same story could not have happened in a different place as the setting is so integral to the plot
You can't really tell when the story is taking place from the setting alone
There are flashbacks which implies the story is set now
Bright colours are used on Ego's planet to disguise the dark truth behind it
The colours are important to create subconscious feelings during the film
The film would have been less interesting in black and white

Get Creative

I would probably set it in a high tech laboratory with boring colours to represent the tone of the film being serious.

Monday, April 27, 2020


L/O: to explore the use of camerawork in film

STARTER: Can you work out the film from the close up from the poster?

1. Joker
2. 1917
3. Sonic the Hedgehog
4. Avengers: Endgame
5. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Medium Close Up

Extreme Close Up

Close Up

Mid Shot

Long Shot

Establishing Shot

Aerial Shot
Low Angle Shot
Low Angle Shot: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles
High Angle Shot
High Angle Shots: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles
Canted Angle Shot
What is a Dutch Angle? Creative Examples of Camera Shots and Movement
Point of View Shot
Point of View Shot: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles
Over the Shoulder Shot
Camera Angles: Over The Shoulder or Single Shot?


Ego breaks the walkman

Peter comes to his senses

Ego turns into David Hasselhoff

You see close ups of both Ego and Peter in this scene when Peter is imprisoned by Ego. They share close ups and then Ego breaks the walkmen.
We see the story through Peter's eyes as it unravels before us where as Ego knows this information.
The camera's constantly switch between Ego and Peter in this scene.
When Ego breaks the walkman to camera doesn't cut to Peter's face but quickly moves to face him.
The camera helps to show us the struggle that builds as the scene progresses.
The first shots of this scene switch between showing Peter and Ego as they speak to establish that this is a two man scene.
Certain shots follow each other so the camera's make the scene naturally progress. For example, 2 over the shoulder shots are followed by a side shot of the characters.
A wide shot during the quote "we are beyond such things" helps to reinforce Ego's grandeur.
The shots tend to change whenever each character starts speaking. They change a bit more frequently as the tension builds.

Get Creative

As the man walks into the bar I would use a low angle to show that the bar is dark. As the people look at him I would use close ups of each of them followed by a wide shot of them all staring at him. As the barman stares I would use a mid shot. Then as the man asks the question I would use a wide shot showing them both. That would be followed by a close up when the man says that Tony isn't available. The last shot would be a close up of the man's fist. This is to create an effect of anger in the man as you see only his fist which implies violence.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Practical Number #1

L/O: to apply narrative theory to our own ideas

Task 1

A man is in his house, chilling out.

The man gets robbed in his home, the robbers steal a valuable possession

Recognition of Disruption
The man figures out where the robbers are.

Attempt to solve disruption
He confronts the robbers, he fights them and grabs his valuable possession.

New Equilibrium
He has his stuff back and the robbers are put in jail.

(I know this is terrible but I am creatively stifled)
Made with Storyboard That

Monday, April 20, 2020


L/O: To explore the use of characterisation in a film

Case Study: Characters

Main character actors: Chris Pratt, Kurt Russell
Protagonist Outline: Name - Peter Quill, Age - 34, Personality - he's hot headed and doesn't always make the right decisions, Job - he gets hired for various jobs throughout the Galaxy
Antagonist Outline: Name - Ego, Age - Millions of years old, Personality - Manipulative and egotistical, Job - His goal is to make the entire galaxy him.


The main characters are Peter, Gamora, Groot, Drax and Rocket.
The story is mainly about Peter coming to terms with his heritage.
No one is really "telling" the story.
The main characters are of varying species and backgrounds.
The main characters are mostly comedic with the exception of Gamora.
They behave in a way that allows them to make fun of other characters in the story.
There are particular motifs for the group and individual characters.
Rocket interests me the most as he is the most detached from everything but deep down just wants people to care about him.
The story would be extremely different if Peter was taken away as he is integral to the story as it is about his Dad. It would probably have just been a typical kill the bad guy story.

Character Theory: Propp

Vladimir Propp stated that within any narrative, there would appear the following 8 broad character types: 
  • The Hero
  • The Villain
  • The Donor
  • The Helper
  • The Princess
  • The Dispatcher
  • The Father
  • The False Hero
The Hero - Generally leads the narrative; has a quest or has to solve something; wants to succeed; can be any gender.
The Villain - Struggles against the hero; seen as morally bad; attempts to stop the hero from achieving goal.
The Donor - Gives the hero something special (Power/Weapon/Wisdom etc); enables hero to complete the quest.
The Helper - Supports hero (sidekick); appears at critical moments; their limitations help define the hero.
The Princess - Can take two forms; the object sought by the hero or the reward/
The Dispatcher - Sends hero on the mission (can be combined with another role)
The Princess' Father - Gives task to the hero; authority figure; protective over princess (doesn't have to be her biological father)
The False Hero - Appears to act heroically and often mistaken for the real hero; gets credit for the work; gains respect from the father.

Propps Theory: Applied to your film

The Hero - Peter Quill, he wants to find his place in the universe and believes that it's with his father.
The Villain - Ego, he wants to use Peter to conquer the universe as Peter is part celestial
The Donor - Ego, teaches Peter the power that is eventually used to defeat him
The Helper - Gamora, supports Peter in his quest to find a family.
The Princess - Ego/Yondu, they have the familial bonds that Peter wants
The Dispatcher - Gamora, convinces Peter to go with Ego to his planet because he might be Peter's father.
The Princess' Father - N/A
The False Hero - N/A

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Tuesday 14th April 2020L/O: to explore the narrative structure of a film

STARTER: Can you work out the anagrams from these Disney films

1. Gal Dent = Tangled
2. Hatted Millimetre = The Little Mermaid
3. A Babysat Tuned Thee = Beauty and The Beast
4. A Nacho Pots = Pocahontos
5. Whites Won Handstands Fever We = Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
6. Cleared Nil = Cinderella
7. Aid Land = Aladdin
8. An Tzar = Tarzan
9. A Bench Deck To The Fun Oh Mr A = The Hunchback of Notre Dame
10. Legion Think = The Lion King

Case Study Research

Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Director: James Gunn
Writer: James Gunn
Producer: Kevin Feige
Production Company: Marvel Studios
Distribution Company: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Date Released: May 28th 2017 (UK)
Main Actors: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Baustista, Vin Diesel (Voice), Bradley Cooper (Voice), Karen Gillan, Kurt Russell


At the beginning of the story the Guardians have been hired to protect some batteries from an evil space monster (I can't be asked to find the name), In the middle of the story Peter's Dad shows up, tells him he has superpowers and whisks him away to his own planet. At the end of the story we find out Peter's Dad is evil and the Guardians kill him.

The most important things that happen are Ego (Peter's Dad) showing up, The Guardians killing Ego and Yondu (Peter's Father Figue) dying in the climax of the film.

If events happened in a different order the story probably wouldn't work.

The film tells us the names of the different locations using text on the screen.

The story is about the Guardians of the Galaxy, it also heavily features themes of family and loss.

The story happens over the course of a few days in the year 2014.

Before the story began, the Guardians were probably doing what they were doing in the beginning of the film. Regular jobs for them.

I think after it ends they return to some form of normality for them.

The story doesn't remind me of any other stories off the top of my head.

It continued a few years later in Avengers: Infinity War.


A film's narrative is the story of the film and is broken down into five stages by theorist Tzetan Todorov:
Equilibrium: Everything in the film world is normal (Not necessarily good, but it's normal)
Disruption: Something happens (usually caused by the film's main antagonist) to disrupt normal life
Recognition of Disruption: The protagonist/s realise that something is wrong in their world or discover the disruption
Attempt to solve: The main protagonist goes on a journer to the solve the disruption.
New Equilibrium: The disruption is solved and a new normality occurs (things can never be the same as they were before the disruption, but a new 'normal life' is created)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 in Todorov's structure

Equilibrium: The Guardians are out on a normal job goofing around. They finish and receive Nebula as a reward. They leave to head Xandar to turn in Nebula's bounty.
Disruption: Rocket stole some batteries and they are chased down by the people who hired them. The ship is heavily damaged but they are saved by Ego. 
Recognition of Disruption: They crash onto the planet and meet Ego who claims he is Peter's father. They also meet his servant Mantis. After much disagreement, Peter, Drax and Gamora go with Ego while Rocket and Groot stay with Nebula and the ship. When they get to Ego's planet they slowly unravel the fact that Ego wants to use Peter's newfound power to destroy the galaxy. Peter snaps and wants to kill Ego after he mentions that he killed Peter's mother.
Attempt to solve the disruption: Groot, Rocket and Yondu were captured but escaped and headed to Ego's planet. They all get together and kill Ego. Yondu dies to save Peter from the collapsing planet.
New Equilibrium: They have a funeral for Yondu. The Guardians watch as fireworks are set off in commemoration of him. Gamora and Peter become partners. Mantis joins the Guardians of the Galaxy at the end of the movie.

Monday, March 23, 2020

News & Audiences

Monday 23rd March 2020
L/O: to investigate how news programmes are targeted towards different audiences.

Top 10 Stories Today
1. People 'Selfish' for ignoring Coronavirus advice
2. McDonald's and Nando's to close all UK restaurants
3. Hancock admits challenges over NHS equipment
4. Harvey Weinstein tests positive for Coronavirus
5. European countries struggle to enforce social distancing
6. Pressure grows on Japan and IOC to cancel Olympics
7. Parents urged not to send children to school
8. Major medical goods shortage in 10 days, NYC warns
9. Global economy will suffer for years to come
10. New jury trials halted over Coronavirus concerns

Stories for an older, educated and wealthy audience
Coronavirus UK update
School closures
Coronavirus impact on economy
Missing girl search continues
National Trust to open grounds

Radio 1 Newsbeat (morning) - Target Audience = Morning people
BBC 10 O' Clock News (pm) - Target Audience = Over 35s interested in current political affairs
Spotlight - Target Audience = People who live in Cornwall and Devon

Spotlight Order
1. Deaths and cases of Coronavirus
2. Park Dean holiday parks closing
3. Panic buying
4. Social Distancing
5. Public services suspended

Newsround Order
1. School Closures
2. Dance continues in Japan
3. Should the Olympics go ahead?
4. Flying lessons
5. Football players doing drills in self-isolation

BBC Radio 1 (Newsbeat) Order
1. The workers braving Coronavirus in shops and pharmacies
2. Self Isolation
3. Rapper spreading awareness of Coronavirus
4. National Trust opens for free to give access to space
5. How one football club is helping others stay afloat

Newsround doesn't touch on the Coronavirus much and focuses on more positive things because of it's younger audience. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

BBC Young Reporter

Monday 24th February

What is news?

L/O: to explore the concept and format of news

What is the purpose of news?
  • Profit
  • Educate
  • Entertain
  • Inform
  • Influence/Persuade
Different Types of News Stories
  • UK
  • World
  • Business
  • Politics
  • Tech
  • Science
  • Health
  • Family & Education
  • Entertainment & Arts
  • Local
  • Weather
  • Sports
  • Celebrity
  • Human Interest

L/O: to explore the validity to news stories and their origins

Fake News: False information used to shape your views, opinions or ideas.  
  • Captured Islamic State Leader had Obama on Speed Dial
  • Donald Trump ends School Shootings by Banning Schools
  • Florida Man arrested for tranquillising and raping alligators in Everglades
  • Lottery winner arrested for dumping $200,000 worth of manure on ex-boss' lawn
  • Former First Lady Barbara Bush Dies at 92 
2. I think people write Fake News for one of two reasons, to easily make money online or to trick people into having a certain opinion and starting arguments over it.

3. You can spot fake news by looking for actual sources, reading the whole story to see how the story plays out, checking if it's satire and asking experts.

Thursday 27th February
L/O: to understand what news is and where to find it

1. a
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. c

School Report Ideas

WHAT? - Mr Man getting his haircut
WHO? - Mr Man
WHERE? - Bodmin College
WHY? - To raise awareness of prostate cancer
HOW? - 

Monday 2nd March
L/O: to explore how to structure a story; to practise interview questions

Anchor Intro

Next, A Bodmin College teacher is cutting his hair for charity. Here's Chandler with more details.

Interview Questions

Q1. Why do you feel that prostate cancer is worth bringing attention to?

Q2. Why prostate cancer compared to other cancers?

Q3. How long have you been letting your hair grow?

Q4. What can other people do to help or raise awareness to this cancer themselves?


Every year almost 11500 people die from prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer UK is a Charity dedicated to stopping it killing. Prostate cancer affects the prostate, a small gland found only in men. Almost 47500 men are diagnosed with this disease every single year. A teacher at Bodmin College is getting his hair cut in order to raise awareness of this cancer. We are with him now for questions. 


We wish him the best of luck and hope he raises lots of money.

Monday 16th March
L/O: to evaluate and review our News Day project


  • I edited everyone's stories together and wrote, filmed and edited a story on Mr Man's haircut
  • I enjoyed the editing the most because I'm good at it
  • I enjoyed the filming myself the least because I'm cringy
  • I developed my editing skills, such as green screening, I also learned how to film properly.
  • I learned the news process is difficult
  • If I were to do this again I'd have a proper team

News and Audience

L/O: to investigate how news programmes are targeted towards different audiences

1. Coronavirus Global cases now outnumber Chinese cases
2. Germany now closes borders

Radio 1 Newsbeat (morning) - Target Audience = Morning people
BBC 10 O' Clock News (pm) - Target Audience = Over 35s interested in current political affairs
Spotlight - Target Audience = People who live in Cornwall and Devon

Monday, February 10, 2020

Photoshop Skills: Development & Genre

Friday 7th February
L/O: to use and develop Photoshop skills

Horror Poster Genre Conventions
They all use the colour black.
All have a menacing figure.
All their fonts are unique. Fonts in red or white.
Credit Block.
Most have a slogan.

WWW: I feel I had clear genre conventions
EBI: I think I could have had a better background

Monday, February 3, 2020

Website Brief

Monday 3rd February
L/O: to build an effective website

1. This product is a VPN. I have chosen to use a cherry as the logo because of the title of the product.
2. I used a template and then imported multiple images and used a simple colour scheme.
3. I am not overly pleased with the outcome of the website because I feel I could do better.

4. I would improve the overall design of the website and try to make it fit genre conventions.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Web Design

L/O: to research website design and genre conventions

1. The colour scheme is a simple blue and white colour scheme, this is used to link to the company logo.
2. Tagline. Name of company.
3. A link to purchase the VPN.
4. Images of devices NordVPN works on and an image of a city.
5. The business is represented as simple and easy to buy from.
1. The colour scheme is red and white and links to the company logo. The colour red indicates speed.

2. Rank in VPN. Tagline. Where to get it. Description. Logo and Company.
3. Link to purchase VPN.

4. Images of devices on a clean white background.
5. Represented as simple for consumers.

Website Planning
  • Name: CherryVPN
  • Genre: Modern
  • Color scheme: Red and Green
  • Font style: 
  • Content of homepage:
  • Links:
  • Social Media icons: Facebook, Twitter
  • Images: Logo
  • Pages: How to use CherryVPN

Monday, January 20, 2020

Brand Identity

Monday 20th January
L/O: to identify conventions of logo design & apply them to our logo design


Name: CherryVPN
Purpose: A pay per month Virtual Private Network that allows your IP to be in different countries.

Similar Brands

1. ExpressVPN
2. NordVPN

3. TunnelBear

Image result for TunnelBear
Image result for VyprVPN

Brand Logos


Red and White is a simple but memorable colour scheme. The shape of the Cherry is to remind people of the brand name.

This one is cartoony and fun,