Tuesday, May 19, 2020


L/O: to explore the use of mise-en-scene in films
I think that this character is lazy as their room is a mess. They are most likely into music as they have 2 guitars on the wall and music posters on the wall as well.

Settings and props
1. I would expect a space setting with high tech props that don't make sense in our normal world.
2. In a romantic comedy I would expect everyday objects and a nice bright setting.
3. I would expect a dark setting with everyday objects OR high tech objects depending on what type of Horror film it is.

Costume, Hair & Make Up
Based on his attire, Indiana Jones without knowing who he is looks like an explorer
Whoever the second one is, she looks like a normal teenage girl
Arthur Fleck looks like he is from a disadvantaged background based on his hand me down clothes.

Facial Expressions & Body Language
The first image their expressions are dull
In the second image their posture is high and they have serious expressions on their faces which indicates that they have power in this situation.

Lighting and Colour
The lighting and colour in this scene is low key which indicates the scene isn't positive. The light only shines on the characters faces.

Positioning of people/objects
In the first image the characters are apart on the same sofa which indicates that they are not currently getting along, possibly an arguing couple.
The men in the second image a positioned together which indicates that they are partners in a team.

TASK: Explain in detail what information the MES in the following scene tells us
The setting is a posh place which indicates that the middle character is being held prisoner and is being delivered to someone important. The two men holding the middle man are wearing a uniform which indicates that they are guards, the middle character is wearing a pirate hat and slashed up clothes which shows that he is a pirate. (Yes I know who Jack Sparrow is I'm just analysing this like I don't know who he is or it's cheating). The props are posh which further indicates the setting. The guards have a more serious expression where as the pirate has a less serious expression shows that the pirate does not care. The pirate is positioned in the centre of the scene which means that he is the one to focus on. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

Sound in Films

L/O: to explore the use of sound in film


1. Music in a horror film would be low pitched and slow
2. Music in an action film would be fast
3. Music in a thriller would be fast and jumpy
4. Music in a comedy would sound joyful
5. Music in a science-fiction film would sound epic

Diegetic V Non-Diegetic

Almost all of the sounds in this scene are diegetic
The action
The music


All of the sounds in "The Present" would have been recorded for the animation

Choose a scene

The music in the scene is "Come a little bit closer"
The music makes the scene have a happier tone than it actually does while Yondu, Rocket and Baby Groot murder most of the crew.
The music doesn't change but gets quieter when characters speak
The music doesn't change
You can kind of tell what is happening based on dialogue and sound effects
No moments of silence
The characters speak, they sound like their actors 
I don't know about my own voiceover
Some sounds like gunshots and Yondu's whistling seem louder than real life. This is probably so they can illustrate the noise of the scene better.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Setting & Colour

L/O: To explore the use of setting and colour in films


Why might a director choose the following settings?

1. A rural house may be chosen for a horror film to create a feeling of isolation from society
2. A big city to create a sense of scale in an action film
3. A small seaside town makes it so you focus on the characters rather than the setting in a romantic comedy
4. A range of countries for an action adventure allows for the "adventure" part of the film
5. A large modern science lab for a science fiction film allows for many cool concepts from a "x technology is being developed/almost done" perspective.


Why might a director choose the following colours?

1. Blue and red for a new superhero costume because of heroes like Superman, it immediately grabs the audiences attention towards a hero.
2. A black suit may give the connotation that that character is a corporate baddy.
3. Bright colours for a comedy to represent the tone of the film

Questions about the film

The action takes place across different worlds and spaceships
The story is set in these different places to show that the story is set in space and not just on Earth
The setting changes a lot because for most of the film the characters are split up
On Ego's planet, the Guardians seem to feel uncomfortable. On the ravager ship, Rocket constantly makes jokes while he is held prisoner where as Yondu is a lot more serious.
Visuals and dialogue help to show where the story is taking place
The same story could not have happened in a different place as the setting is so integral to the plot
You can't really tell when the story is taking place from the setting alone
There are flashbacks which implies the story is set now
Bright colours are used on Ego's planet to disguise the dark truth behind it
The colours are important to create subconscious feelings during the film
The film would have been less interesting in black and white

Get Creative

I would probably set it in a high tech laboratory with boring colours to represent the tone of the film being serious.